Parade of Homes
Spring: May 10-11 & 17-18, 2025
Sat & Sun (1-5PM)
Fall: September 13-14 & 20-21 , 2025
Sat & Sun (1-5PM)
Showcase of Remodeled Homes
October 4-5, 2025
Sat & Sun (12-5PM)
Sioux Empire Home Show
February 27 - March 1, 2026
Fri (1PM-7PM) Sat (9AM-7PM) Sun (11AM-4PM)
February 27 - March 1, 2026
Fri (1PM-7PM)Â Sat (9AM-7PM)
Sun (11AM-4PM)
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Canceled - Association Health Plan Lunch & Learn
Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
11:30am - 1:00pm
Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire
Board Room
(6904 S Lyncrest Pl, Sioux Falls)
Free (RSVP required by Oct. 23)
CANCELED - If you were interested in attending, please sign up for the Nov. 10 or Nov. 24 class instead. If those dates don't work, please call Lori DeVries at McKinneyOlson (exclusive agent for this program) and she can go over the information with you by phone or set up a time to meet.
Both current HBA members and also non-members in the home building industry are invited to join us for this free lunch as we learn more about the new association health plan coverage.
We know that rising health insurance costs are impacting many in the home building industry. For that reason, the Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire is excited to offer an exclusive cost savings health insurance plan to our members, their employees and families. This new statewide member benefit is a partnership with the South Dakota Home Builders Association. Qualifying companies must be domiciled in South Dakota, have at least one W2 employee and be in a type of business that is directly related to the physical construction of a home.
In conjunction with Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Dakota, these exclusive plan designs were developed to help fit the needs of our members all while still being able to offer them at competitive rates.
We are pleased to announce that enrollment is now available in this new association health plan. Association members statewide will be able to work with a designated local insurance agent, to select the best plan for their company.
Class will be hosted by our local agent, Lori Devries of McKinneyOlson Insurance (plan for HBASE members is offered exclusively through McKinneyOlson only). We'll also have a CPA present from KMWF to share some knowledge on the importance of understanding the different between an S corp, C corp and LLC for your business as it relates to health insurance coverage for your employees (plus even HSA plans without the employer contributing).