Tuesday May 28, 2024
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Day 1 - 8:30am - 4:30pm (lunch included)
Day 2 - 8:30am - 11:45am
Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire Board Room
$200 / Members
$400 / Non-Members
Registration Deadline:
Friday, May 24 by 5:00pm
Cancellation policy: Any registrations received after the registration deadline, "walk-ins" or "no shows" that are not cancelled 48 hours prior to the event will be invoiced the equivalent to the expense taken upon the association for that reservation.
Todd Anawski
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Class Objectives:
Every Employer is required to meet minimum federal workplace safety standards. Participants will gain the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to meet OSHA's requirements. This course provides information on employee rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint as well as how to identify, abate, avoid, and prevent job related hazards on a construction site. Course topics include: Introduction to OSHA, Focus 4 Hazards (Falls, Electrocution, Struck-By, and Caught-In or Between) Personal Protective Equipment, Health Hazards, Scaffolding, Stairways and Ladders. Requires a minimum of 4 individuals registered to offer this class.
Printed courtesy of hbasiouxempire.com – Contact the Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire for more information.
6904 S Lyncrest Pl, Sioux Falls, SD 57108 – (605) 361-8322 – info@hbasiouxempire.com